Can an Alcoholic Ever Drink Again?

Alcoholism, a term that conjures up images of lost jobs, broken families, and health crises, is a complex and multifaceted disease affecting millions worldwide. Defined by an unmanageable craving for alcohol, an inability to limit drinking despite adverse consequences, and physical dependence, alcohol addiction stands as a towering challenge to both individuals and society at…

What to do When an Alcoholic Relapses?

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Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

Detoxification is the process of removing drugs and/or alcohol from the body. Depending on the toxins, it can take anywhere from three to ten days. The sole purpose of the procedure is to re-establish physical health through the elimination of dangerous substances from the bloodstream. Detox is often accompanied by intense levels of side effects,…

What Distinguishes Alcohol Dependence From Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol addiction is a prominent topic of discussion among rehabilitation professionals. Not only does the disease stem from a widely accessible substance, but the severity of the problem isn’t always clear. What’s left is a distorted understanding of what alcoholism looks like and how it must be treated. Of course, there are robust rehab programs…

Things to Say When Someone Lost a Loved One to Addiction

Addiction is an ugly disease and thousands of people lose their battles each year.  According to the CDC, 130 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose. More than 700,000 people died from opioid overdoses between 1999 and 2017. Alcohol is the world’s third-largest risk factor for disease and disability and causes nearly four percent…

The Importance of Total Abstinence for Recovering Addicts

Addiction recovery is not a one size fits all approach. This is a significant fact, not just among addicts, but among industry professionals who are often torn by personal theories and methodologies. At United Recovery project we help you figure out what fits you best. One of the more controversial conversations that arise is the…

What Not to Say to Drug Addict

When you first learn someone you know has a drug addiction, it can be difficult to know what to say. Recovering from addiction is a very personal and emotional experience. A person in recovery will be extremely vulnerable, especially to what is said by their closest family and friends. Even well-intentioned comments can come off…

Difference Between Addiction vs Compulsion

Addiction describes an entire journey, wherein a person becomes entrapped in harmful behavior that poses a threat to both their mental and physical health. What’s not as clear in this definition are the smaller, moving parts that explain the very nature of addiction. Because this delineation isn’t always straightforward, many people assume that addiction and…

What is a Needle Exchange Program?

The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) estimates that there are roughly 2.4 million intravenous drug users in the US, each injecting on average 1,000 times per year. Dirty needles pose a huge risk to drug users and the greater population. When drug users share needles, they put themselves at risk for HIV and other infections…

How to Deal With a Drunk Child

Parenting, while a great honor, is a tremendous responsibility. As parents, we are tasked with both protecting our children and teaching them to fend for themselves. It’s an incredibly delicate balance — the execution of which tends to spark a great deal of debate. There isn’t one perfect way to raise a child. And because…