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Books to Read for Addiction Recovery

There are a lot of great books to read for addiction recovery. Those who join narcotics anonymous start with the basic text, Narcotics Anonymous 6th Edition. Narcotics Anonymous also publishes It Works How and Why – The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous along with an accompanying workbook. These three books provide a…

What Are the Different Types of Drugs

What are the different types of drugs is a common question for parents looking to educate and protect their children? The number of drugs and pharmaceuticals that are regularly monitored for employment and addiction can range from up to a  three panel to a sixteen-panel test. The United States government categorizes drugs into five different…

How to Deal with an Alcoholic Parent

Alcoholism affects the entire family. No matter how old you are, it is very difficult to deal with an alcoholic parent. It rarely gets easier, even as an adult. First, know you’re not alone. Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance in the U.S. by far and plagues more than 17 million Americans each year.…

Difference Between Stimulants and Depressants

The difference between stimulants and depressants is equivalent to the difference between night and day. Stimulants are known as “uppers” and depressants are known as “downers” due to their effects. When someone wants to know what are the potential consequences of mixing stimulants and depressants, the answer is serious permanent physical or brain damage up…

How to Stop An Alcohol Drinking Habit

Are you one of the millions of people who has a feeling or a knowing that they need to stop drinking alcohol but isn’t ready to head to AA or an aggressive detox treatment? If so, you can benefit from learning how to quit drinking alcohol on your own. How to Reduce Drinking Alcohol on…

how to detox liver and kidneys

How to Detox Liver and Kidneys

Cleansing your liver of alcohol is one of the essential steps in recovering from alcoholism, excessive alcohol consumptions or prolonged alcohol abuse. The liver is critically involved in all metabolic processes in the body. It breaks down old blood cells, promotes blood clotting, breaks down fats into energy, and removes toxins from the body. Alcohol…

Drug Abuse – It Affects Everyone

When someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol, it affects everyone. From siblings to parents to partners to children to the local barista, everyone who interacts with an addict experiences some ramifications. If you are feeling isolated, tired, or scared and you live with or amongst an addict, their addiction might be the cause of…

The Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

When you are ready to give up alcohol, do not be daunted by the entirety of your future without booze. Start small. Focus on stopping and noting what happens when you stop drinking alcohol for a week or a month. As you observe the positive change, your motivation to continue will increase. Benefits of Quitting…