myths about cocaine

Cocaine is used by people who are seeking a fast high. Yet, there are many myths about cocaine that get in the way of understanding just how powerful and addictive this drug can be. Cocaine addiction treatment is the only real way to stop using this drug if you’ve used for a long time or have developed dependence. United Recovery Project wants to wipe away some of these common myths while providing you with tools to recovery fully.

Common Drug Myths About Cocaine You May Believe

Read through these cocaine facts and myths to better understand what this drug is and why it is so dangerous.

  • Cocaine is safe because it wears off fast. Cocaine is a dangerous and highly addictive stimulant that can cause an overdose even with first-time use. It may wear off quickly in some situations, but the effects last a lifetime for some.
  • Cocaine just makes your brain focus better. The brain is focused better when using this drug because it is a central nervous system stimulant. That means the brain, heart, and lungs are working super hard to provide that to you.
  • You can’t get hooked on cocaine unless you use it all of the time. That’s a myth because addiction can form without consistent use. More so, many people don’t use a lot of the drug to experience the onset of dependence.
  • It’s easy to stop using cocaine. Dependence can be very hard to break for some cocaine users. It may create hallucinations and delirium. Some people feel intense pain from it.
  • Cocaine makes sex better. It is likely that cocaine will encourage more risky behavior, but it doesn’t do anything to improve the actual act. In fact, it can cause impotence and a loss of interest in sex in some people.

Cocaine Facts You Should Know

As a stimulant, cocaine puts your body on heightened alert. Many people also feel anxiety during these episodes, so much so that they may mix cocaine with benzos or other types of depressants. Doing this complicates the situation and increases the risk of an overdose occurring. Many people using cocaine also don’t know what they’re really using. As an expensive drug, dealers often mix it with other drugs, including the highly toxic drug fentanyl. This creates a much higher risk of overdose in individuals.

What’s most important for people to remember about cocaine use, is that you can stop using it if you reach out for help. The next dose may be a lethal one. Don’t take it. Instead, work closely with your team of therapists in a cocaine rehab and cocaine detox program to avoid this.

Getting into a Cocaine Detox in South Florida

Are you using this drug and struggling to stop? You are not alone. Our team at United Recovery Project offers help through various treatment programs. We can help you stop using cocaine while also minimizing the onset of health complications and withdrawal symptoms. We also work closely with our clients to ensure outstanding support through therapy and recovery. Check out some of our programs to get you started:

  • Drug and alcohol detox
  • Residential treatment program
  • Partial hospitalization program
  • Extended residential program
  • Intensive outpatient program

Ready to Get Real Help? Call United Recovery Project Today

Do you believe any of these myths about cocaine? It may be time to seek help for addiction if you’re using cocaine and finding it impossible to stop using on your own. United Recovery Project wants to help you by providing a wide range of tools to support your recovery. Our team recognizes the need to comprehensively address what’s really happening in your life with compassion and dedication. Learn more when you reach out to us online or call 888-960-5121.

Written By The URP Staff | Editorial Policy