Red Face from Alcohol – Causes, Risks, and How to Prevent It

Red Face from Alcohol – Causes, Risks, and How to Prevent It

Have you ever noticed your face turning a tinge of red after just one or two drinks? Maybe you’ve seen this happen to a friend or family member who suddenly seems rosy after drinking. Often known as “alcohol flush” or “Asian glow,” this common reaction to drinking alcohol actually impacts millions of people around the…

How to Sober Up Quickly

How to Sober Up Quickly

We’ve all been there at one point or another – you’ve had one too many drinks at a social gathering, and while you think you can get home safely, that stumble you just had on the way to the front door says otherwise. Many look for quick fixes for sobering up quickly, and there are…

Understanding the Marchman Act: Florida’s Approach to Involuntary Substance Abuse Treatment

Marchman Act: Florida’s Approach to Involuntary Substance Abuse Treatment

When a loved one is struggling with addiction, it’s hard to see how it’s affecting their life. It can be even more difficult if they refuse to get treatment despite negative consequences like physical health issues, relationship problems, financial difficulties, or struggles at work or school caused by substance use. However, all hope isn’t lost.…

Understanding the Baker Act: Florida's Mental Health Intervention Law & Its Equivalents in Other States

The Baker Act: Florida’s Mental Health Intervention Law

It’s challenging to see someone you care about experiencing a mental health crisis, especially if they refuse to seek help or you’re concerned that they might cause harm to themself. Fortunately, Florida residents have many resources that can help with mental health and co-occurring disorders like addiction. That includes local treatment centers and Florida mental…

Will I Lose My Job If I Go to Rehab? Your Rights Explained

Will I Lose My Job If I Go to Rehab? Your Rights Explained

Finding and getting treatment for an addiction can feel overwhelming – especially when job security is a concern. The fear of losing everything you’ve worked for keeps many from getting the help they need. However, in many cases, legal protections are in place to safeguard your employment while you focus on your recovery. The fear…

What Happens If You Keep Delaying Addiction Treatment?

What Happens If You Keep Delaying Addiction Treatment?

Many people tell themselves they’ll get help “someday,” but now isn’t the right time. However, that “someday” often continues to keep moving farther into the future – while the consequences of addiction continue to pile up. Delaying treatment can have serious – sometimes irreversible – consequences. At United Recovery Project, we’ve seen firsthand how delaying…

High Eyes: Understanding and Managing Stoned Eyes

High Eyes: Understanding and Managing Stoned Eyes

Have you ever noticed your eyes appear red and bloodshot following cannabis consumption? Or have you noticed “stoned eyes” or “high eyes” repeatedly in someone you love? If someone is using cannabis, weed eyes-red eyes – are a common and recognizable side effect. While recreational cannabis use is legal in many states and countries today,…

Alcohol Drinker’s Nose: Understanding Rhinophyma

Alcohol Drinker’s Nose: Understanding Rhinophyma

“Alcoholic nose,” or “drinker’s nose,” has long been associated with chronic and excessive alcohol consumption. Characterized by a bulbous and red nose, it surprises many people that this condition is actually called rhinophyma—a subtype and severe form of rosacea. This chronic inflammatory skin disorder causes the nose to become enlarged, red, and bumpy over time.…

Pristiq: Withdrawal, Side Effects, & Addiction Treatment

Pristiq: Withdrawal, Side Effects, & Addiction Treatment

When receiving treatment for depression, your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant like Pristiq if other options like therapy and lifestyle changes aren’t helping on their own. While Pristiq can be effective, there have also been reports from organizations like the National Institutes of Health that it can cause serious side effects or withdrawals for certain…