myths about cocaine

Myths About Cocaine

Cocaine is used by people who are seeking a fast high. Yet, there are many myths about cocaine that get in the way of understanding just how powerful and addictive this drug can be. Cocaine addiction treatment is the only real way to stop using this drug if you’ve used for a long time or…

what is the intensive outpatient program curriculum

What Is the Intensive Outpatient Program Curriculum?

An intensive outpatient program (IOP) for addiction treatment is one type of treatment program designed to help people with moderate to severe drug or alcohol addiction. This type of treatment allows a person to live at home while coming in to see their therapist on a consistent and often intense basis for treatment. However, it…

can heroin withdrawals kill you

Can Heroin Withdrawal Kill You?

Heroin is a highly addictive substance that can change the function of the brain within a matter of weeks. This drug creates dependence, which leads to intense heroin withdrawals. When a person is engaged in consistent use of dangerous drugs, utilizing a heroin detox program is critical to ensure success and minimize the risk of…

how much cocaine can cause overdose

How Much Cocaine Can Cause an Overdose?

Cocaine is a stimulant drug. Too much of it can cause rapid heartbeats and breathing. It can cause toxicity that leads to overdose within minutes. A cocaine overdose can happen at any point, even when you are not using a lot of the drug. In other words, there is no safe dose of cocaine to…

what is physiological dependence

What Is Physiological Dependence?

Addiction occurs when a person compulsively engages in using a substance even when they know doing so is dangerous. Dependence is different. What is physiological dependence, and why does it often get in the way of treatment for addiction? For those with it, residential addiction treatment and detox tend to be the most important first…

why travel to florida for detox

Why Travel to Florida for Detox?

Deciding to get treatment for drug or alcohol addiction is courageous. When you do this, you want to ensure you have the best possible ability to thrive and succeed. That’s why investing in a Florida detox may be a better choice than choosing a drug treatment center near home. A drug and alcohol detox program…

what is drug detox like in florida

What Is Drug Detox Like in Florida?

You may know that many people decide to head to drug detox in Florida. Why is that? Many reasons for getting away from home can prove to be beneficial. Our setting in Florida offers a wide range of benefits, including weather, sand, and amenities. Yet, drug and alcohol detox needs to be about more than…

what is the first step of drug addiction treatment

What Is the First Step of Drug Addiction Treatment?

When a person decides to enter drug rehab, they recognize just how challenging the process can be. Yet, how do you get to that point? The first step of drug addiction treatment is typically to admit there is a problem. Once you do that, you then open up to opportunities to fix that problem. The…

first step in alcohol rehab

What Is the First Step in Alcohol Rehab?

Recognizing the need for alcohol rehab is perhaps the first step. It can take time for a person to decide to get help. That’s because many people with alcohol use disorder believe they can control their use or stop when they want to. Over time, that may prove to be inaccurate. When you’re ready for…

is nutrition therapy the key to addiction treatment

Is Nutrition Therapy The Key To Addiction Treatment?

Addiction depletes the nutrients in the body, causing organ damage, inflammation, and pain. Proper treatment should include nutrition therapy, a way to enable the body to overcome these challenges fully. A nutrition therapy program is a component of overall care at United Recovery Program as it is designed to provide the foundation for long-term recovery.…