There’s no denying that alcohol is everywhere – restaurants, grocery stores, movies, and even hair salons. Although many individuals consume alcohol socially, alcohol abuse is a detrimental problem in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, alcohol is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths. Alcohol leads to various direct and indirect short-term side effects, including violence, car accidents, and STDs acquired through unprotected sex. On the other hand, alcohol causes numerous long-term side effects, such as liver damage, cancer, and heart disease.

It’s imperative to differentiate between casual drinking and alcohol abuse. Individuals who suffer from alcohol abuse often can’t refrain from consuming alcohol without experiencing adverse side effects. The best route to recovery is to attend substance abuse detox programs and receive luxury addiction treatment.
What Is the Definition of Alcohol Abuse?
There’s a fine line between drinking casually with friends and alcohol abuse. An individual suffering from substance abuse cannot physically and psychologically refrain from drinking alcohol. In other words, their body relies on constant alcohol consumption. Without alcohol, the individual experiences withdrawal side effects, such as insomnia, heart palpitations, and seizures. Therefore, many addicts receive treatment in a medical detox center to minimize the severity of their symptoms.
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism places drinking levels into the following three categories:
- Drinking in moderation
- Two drinks or less daily (men)
- One drink or less daily (women)
- Binge drinking
- Having five or more drinks in two hours (men)
- Having four or more drinks in two hours (women)
- Heavy alcohol use
- Consuming more than four drinks per day or more than 14 per week (men)
- Consuming more than three drinks per day or more than 7 per week (women)
Most individuals suffering from alcohol abuse fall into the binge drinking and heavy alcohol abuse categories. At this point, their body has developed a dependency on alcohol, and they should undergo substance abuse treatment.
Alcohol Abuse Statistics
- 25.8 percent of people over 18 admitted to binge drinking
- 14.5 million people over 12 have alcohol use disorder (AUD)
- Around 415,000 adolescents between 12 and 17 suffer from AUD
- 18.5 percent of emergency room visits are related to alcohol
- Approximately 95,000 people die from alcohol annually in the United States
- Less than ten percent of people suffering from AUD receive treatment
Source: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Casual Drinking vs. Addiction
Be it work happy hours or holiday parties; alcohol is a staple beverage in American culture. Needless to say, the United States has come a long way since the country prohibited alcohol between 1920 – 1933. A drink here and there isn’t a crime, but becoming reliant on alcohol leads to long-term issues. For instance, many people use alcohol as a coping mechanism to manage stress, trauma, and mental health disorders. However, frequent alcohol consumption can cause inflammatory damage, high blood pressure, heart failure, ulcers, and more.
Psychological vs. Physiological Alcohol Dependence
In many addictions, there’s a psychological and physiological component. It’s easy to confuse psychological dependence with physiological dependence. For instance, an alcoholic may continue to drink intoxicated even though they already had a DUI in the past. This risky behavior is a prime example of psychological dependence. As long as they’re willing to get their alcohol “fix,” they’ll risk prison time. On the other hand, alcoholics experience physiological dependence when they have physical symptoms after not drinking for a period of time.
Signs of Alcohol Addiction
Are you suffering from alcohol addiction? If you can answer “yes” to any of the below questions, you may be an alcoholic and should seek luxury addiction treatment.
- Do you daydream about drinking when you’re working or somewhere without alcohol?
- Does alcohol make you feel isolated from your loved ones?
- Do you experience frequent hangovers?
- Have you ever stolen from family or friends to pay for alcohol?
- Have you been arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) or public intoxication?
- Do you feel irritable or anxious when you can’t drink alcohol?
- Has frequent alcohol consumption worsened your performance in school or at work?
Alcohol Withdrawal
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms aren’t pleasant, especially if you stop drinking cold turkey. Some of the most common alcohol withdrawal symptoms include:
- Increased anxiety and depression
- Brain fog
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Increased heartbeat
- Sweating profusely
Source: National Library of Medicine
Alcohol Addiction Treatment Options
- Substance abuse detox programs: Patients begin their recovery journey in our detox center, where they flush toxins out of their system…learn more.
- Inpatient residential treatment: In our inpatient residential treatment program, recovering addicts reside and receive personalized care at our luxury rehab center…learn more.
- Partial hospitalization program (PHP): Our partial hospitalization program is the middle ground between inpatient residential treatment and our intensive outpatient program. Clients receive the same tailored drug and alcohol addiction treatment but return home daily…learn more.
- Intensive outpatient program (IOP): The intensive outpatient program enables clients to live at home while still receiving comprehensive care and support from our professional staff…learn more.
- Sober Living: Sober living is a popular option for recovering addicts who want a transitionary period between their stay at our luxury rehab center and day-to-day life.
- Alumni Program: Want to stay connected and maintain a healthy support system after graduating from United Recovery Project? Our alumni program helps you do just that…learn more.
Are You Suffering From Alcohol Abuse?
Contact Us Today
If you or someone you know is suffering from alcohol abuse, please call us today
Our staff will be happy to provide more information about our luxury drug and rehabilitation center and validate your insurance.