Methamphetamine addiction represents one of the most challenging substance use disorders, with its devastating effects extending far beyond the initial high. This powerful stimulant rewires brain chemistry, leading to severe physical deterioration, cognitive impairment, and emotional instability. As use continues, relationships fracture, careers collapse, and the person’s sense of identity becomes increasingly defined by the addiction.

Attempting to overcome a meth addiction can be very dangerous without proper support. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe. Medical complications can emerge. And intense cravings can prevent you from being successful in your recovery. This is why finding professional treatment is important.

Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment - United Recovery Project

At United Recovery Project in Hollywood, Florida, our team is experienced in helping countless individuals overcome meth abuse and addiction. Our meth addiction treatment offers compassionate care, putting your safety first every step of the way. Whether it’s your first time in recovery or not, our team in Hollywood, Florida, is here to help. Call us at 888-960-5121 to begin your journey toward a healthier and happier life. To learn more about meth addiction and rehab, continue reading below.

Understanding Meth Addiction and Abuse

Surprisingly, methamphetamine (meth) was originally created for legitimate medical purposes. First synthesized in 1893 by Japanese chemist Nagai Nagayoshi, it was used for treating respiratory conditions, depression, and sleep disorders, as well as for weight loss treatment. However, the 1970s saw drastic drug reform with the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) and more.

As history unfolded, meth made its way into recreational use, driving an epidemic. Meth works by increasing levels of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, is associated with pleasure, reward, and motivation. In this way, meth can create a euphoric rush, causing it to be highly addictive.

With continued use, meth abuse can lead to dependency. Changes in the brain from meth use can cause dysregulation of dopamine. Additionally, withdrawal symptoms can arise when stopping use of the drug. This combination can fuel the cycle of addiction.

Signs and symptoms of a meth addiction include:

  • Extreme weight loss
  • Aggressive or erratic behavior
  • Severe dental issues (“meth mouth”)
  • Insomnia and paranoia
  • Skin problems (including sores from picking)
  • Burns on fingers or lips (from smoking)
  • Excessive talking or hyperactivity
  • Mood swings
  • Increasing financial issues
  • Social withdrawal
  • Anxiety
  • Neglect of responsibilities, hygiene, and appearance

With a meth addiction, there is also an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Many also have compromised immunity, which can have drastic impacts on one’s health.

If you or someone you love is experiencing the signs above, know it’s never too late to get the help you need. Our team at United Recovery Project is ready to help. Call us at 888-960-5121 to learn more.

Why Professional Meth Addiction Treatment is Essential

Severe withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety, depression, fatigue, and more can make quitting meth cold turkey and alone dangerous. Doing so is associated with a higher risk of complications and relapse.

However, undergoing meth rehab under professional medical supervision within a structured environment can ensure your safety and a sustainable recovery. In fact, many individuals struggling with a meth addiction have underlying mental health conditions that need to be addressed for lasting recovery.

Additionally, professional treatment can prevent relapse by equipping you with preventative strategies and ample support after you’ve completed your program. Together, we can pave the way toward a better life.

Do You Need a Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment Program?

Methamphetamine – a synthetic psychostimulant – is a highly addictive drug that triggers a euphoric high. Furthermore, meth is widely available across the United States, making it easier to get hooked and feed your addiction. Methamphetamine comes in various forms, including a powder, base, or crystal.

When you take meth, your body releases the feel-good hormone dopamine. Eventually, you develop a dependency because your brain shifts its natural equilibrium, making it ever so challenging to curb a methamphetamine addiction. We highly recommend substance abuse treatment if you use meth (even if you’re not a daily user). Experiencing the symptoms above when trying to stop meth indicates you have a severe methamphetamine addiction. This addiction could lead to serious side effects or even death in the worst-case scenario.

Meth Addiction Treatment

Meth Addiction Treatment at United Recovery Project

With United Recovery Project, recovery is entirely within your grasp. Our evidence-based approach addresses the intricate layers associated with a meth addiction. Your specific treatment program is personalized to you and your needs. However, generally, you can expect to undergo a medical detox, individual therapy, group therapy, and more.

Meth Detox

A detox involves the removal of the substance from your body. At United Recovery Project, our medical team provides round-the-clock supervision and care, helping ease withdrawal symptoms, preventing health complications, and providing emotional support. In most cases, detox takes a few days to a few weeks. Some symptoms, such as cravings, can persist. However, we can help you learn to cope in healthy ways and overcome this difficult time.

Individual Therapy

Throughout your recovery, our team offers one-on-one support, helping you unravel the layers of addiction and break the cycle. We’ll help you identify your triggers, address underlying mental health conditions, and get the emotional roots of your substance use.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) will play a pivotal role in your recovery. This type of therapy teaches healthier coping strategies to replace drug use and address your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Group Therapy

You don’t need to do this alone. At United Recovery Project, we provide group therapy sessions and various opportunities to connect. This can help you build a strong recovery network and offer a sense of community as you work toward your goals.

Holistic Therapies

Recovery goes beyond the addiction itself. It’s also about building healthy habits that support your overall well-being and physical and mental health. As part of your program, you’ll have access to yoga classes, meditation workshops, exercise sessions, nutritional education, and more.

Aftercare Planning

Your recovery doesn’t end when you leave our facility. We’ll ensure you have personalized relapse prevention plans and strategies to support you in the long-term. We also will provide referrals for support groups, counseling, and more.

Meth Rehab: A Path to Lasting Recovery

Overcoming a meth addiction is possible. Our team has seen it first-hand. With the right guidance, care, and support, a new life awaits. Contact United Recovery Project to take that first step today.

If you have concerns regarding finances or insurance, our team can help verify your insurance and provide financing options. Break free from meth addiction today! Our caring and compassionate team is here for you.